2023-2029: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees "Erasmus Mundus on Innovative Microwave Electronics and Photonics" (EMIMEP).
2023-2026: PRIN project "Dielectric Optical acceleratorS for hEalth" (DOSE). Principal Investigator.
2021-2023: INFN project "Miniaturised Accelerators Network" (MICRON).
2021-2023: INFN project "Ion Source developments" (IONS).
2018-2024: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees "Erasmus Mundus on Innovative Microwave Electronics and Optics" (EMIMEO).
2020-2024: Horizon 2020 project "METAsurfaces for ultraFAst light STructuring" (METAFAST).
2020-2022: PRIN project "Nonlinear photonics with metal-less nanoantennas and metasurfaces" (NOMEN).
2020-2022: Regione Lombardia project "Infrastrutture e Servizi per la Mobilità Sostenibile e Resiliente" (MoSoRe).
2016-2018: INFN project "DiElectric and METallic Radiofrequency Accelerator" (DEMETRA)
2014-2018: Erasmus Mundus project "Europe - Asia - Pacific Exchange programme in Nanophotonics" (NANOPHI).
2014-2016: Cariplo Foundation project "Second HArmonic Plasmon-Enhanced Sensing" (SHAPES).
2014-2015: Graphene Flagship project "GRAphene PHotonics Applications for Transmitters And Receivers" (GRAPHATAR).
2014: Regione Lombardia project “Smart Campus as Urban Open Labs” (SCUOLA).
2012: AFOSR-EOARD project "New frontiers in plasmonic periodic structures: engineering optical non-linearities of metals".
2010-2011: Cariplo Foundation project "Engineering optical non-linearities using plasmon resonances in metal-insulator metamaterials)" (METAMETA).
2010: AFOSR-EOARD project "Optical waveform generators based on temporal and spectral shaping in nonlinear metamaterials".
2010: British-Italian partnership programme, project "Modelling of carbon nanotube based nonlinear saturable absorbers for all-optical processing applications".
2007-2008: PRIN project "Nanostructured waveguides for nonlinear processing of optical signals in the time and spectral domain".
2006-2007: PRIN project "Design of a single-chip Ultra Wide Band portable radar".
2005-2006: PRIN project "Design of nanosensors based on photonic crystal slabs".
2003-2004: PRIN project "Numerical and analytical modeling of parametric and photonic-bandgap devices in proton exchanged waveguides in surface periodic poled lithium niobate".
2002-2004: IST-FET project "Ultrafast all optical signal processing in engineered quadratic nonlinear waveguides".
2001-2003: FIRB project "Modeling and numerical methods of photonic devices for high capacity optical networks".
2015-2018: MIUR project, Smart Cities and Communities call "Brescia Smart Living".